Thursday, 10 December 2020

Fourth pin stuck in the newspaper


Always be bullish on America

“Any man who is a bear on the future of this country will go broke.” ~ J. P. Morgan Sr.


The S&P500 index made new all time highs in November 2020. As J.P. Morgan Senior said a long time ago; “always be bullish on America.”


It is time to pick another stock for the model crayon and monkey portfolios in the monkey versus crayon project. This is the fourth time the "blindfolded monkey sticks a pin" in the quotation page of the newspaper. According to the rules set out in the book “Beat the stock market casino” (available on Amazon) an US stock can be picked again in this round. In the book there are also rules to follow when to take profit in positions or in other words when it is allowed to sell. This year it would have been tempting to add another rule for when one is allowed to sell a stock. That would be when management uses the stock listing as an ATM machine with free money for mainly the management itself.


Shareholders have been treated with contempt by the managements of a lot of companies this year.

Ideally a listed share consists of a partnership between shareholders, employees (this includes management) and clients. Stakeholder capitalism was launched already in 1932 (see there is nothing new under the sun). Clients should get products and services they are happy about. Employees should get good quality of life jobs with a risk free salary every month on their bank account. Shareholders should get a good absolute long term return (dividends plus capital gains after tax and other costs) for the risk they are taking.


The most important job of management is to allocate capital long term in the best way so that the stock can compound at the highest annual growth rate.

Warren Buffett has said that each dollar of retained earnings should deliver at least a dollar of market value for a good business.

If that is the case it is best for the long term investor to have no dividend at all so the quality company can really let the retained earnings compound and grow the company over say a 30 year period. For a bad business that is not the case. Ideally a bad business spends the earnings in the form of dividends or maybe share buybacks.


A dividend is part of the capital allocation process. If the company can re-invest the profits profitably enough a zero dividend is optimal. When companies cannot find ways to re-invest profits profitably enough, dividends are one of the ways companies have to return money back to the owners of the company the shareholders.


So the assumption is the dividend paying company is not a growing quality company, but rather a cash cow. The dividend paying company would piss the money away if the earnings would be retained or if management tried to make acquisitions. When a company starts to pay dividends, shareholders like a stable to rising dividend, but shareholders absolutely hate dividend cuts. In fact there are plenty of shareholders that just sell all their shares in a dividend paying company on any dividend cut announcement of a dividend paying company. Managements should be conservative with raising dividends. Managements should only pay a regular dividend they feel confident they would never ever have to cut. Managements should pay regular dividends they can afford to pay out in good and in bad times. Special dividends and share buybacks offer enough ways of returning excess money to shareholders outside of the regular dividends.

The first thing a lot of chicken managements did in 2020 was to cut the dividends. Why? Let's face it a recession was long overdue in most developed markets and should not have been a surprise to anyone after 10 good years. The second thing a lot of those chicken managements did was raising cash by selling new shares on the stock market. The dilution of earnings per share by selling new shares is devastating for the long term annual growth rate the stock can compound at. The first and the second point can be proof the management of the stock is misusing their power and using the stock listing as an ATM machine. When managements use the stock listing as an ATM machine they are basically just running the company to fill their own pockets. It might be good for shareholders to then just do the “Wall Street Walk” and just sell out and exit the position. The position is likely not in a strong quality compounding company anyway if the first or the second action has been taken by management.


Some European regulators forbid bank and insurance companies to pay out dividends this year. Regulators did that despite knowing the fact that a lot of retired people rely on exactly those dividends to deliver the income to live on in retirement. In America banks need to get permission for their dividend payments from the FED every year. This brings much more stability and it clearly a one of the reasons why American bank stocks are far superior compared to European bank stocks.


For some stocks the only reason to invest in them from a shareholders perspective has been their dividend yield.


Take away or cut the dividend and guess what happens?

The reason to hold those stocks has now disappeared and the stocks in question goes down a lot. Just look at the 2020 charts of Lloyds Banking Group PLC, Royal Dutch Shell PLC, WFD Unibail Rodamco NV or Lucas Bols Amsterdam BV for an example of that.

Unibail’s CFO’s and CEO’s compensation increased over 45% since the acquisition of Westfield while the share price tumbled over 85%. Oyat has a good article on the shambles of Unibail’s management on the SeekingAlpha website. Overly indebted companies together with incompetent management can easily implode. Some things never change.

Another example of clueless management is the 2016 acquisition of BG Group by Royal Dutch Shell for a cool $70 billion, only for Royal Dutch Shell management deciding in 2020 it wanted to run a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050 or sooner. You can’t make it up.....


According to the source “S&P Dow Jones Indices by the 14th of July 2020 in the S&P 500 index 63 companies had reduced or suspended their dividends. In Europe the dividends cutting/suspending situation was much worse in 2020. The FT, Citywire and Telegraph all have articles out this year on the internet that dividends in North America and Asia were more resilient than in the UK and Europe. The FT also had an article on the 8 of September 2020 that businesses in Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK were more likely to cut dividends than executive pay this year. Even worse the management bastards in Europe gave themselves nice bonuses over the 2019 performance, but had no shame cancelling the final dividends based on the profits of 2019 in the spring of 2020. Not exactly a partnership right?

Hence the title of this blog; “Always be bullish on America”!! In the UK and Europe you are simply more likely to invest in companies with failing business models, terrible regulators and companies where management runs the companies only for themselves. Good luck with that. In the United States (US) the dividend yield are lower than in Europe, but the dividend payments are more consistent and more reliable. The lower dividend yield is also an indication the US has higher quality better compounding listed companies than Europe for the long term investor.

Luckily it is time to select an US investment in the newspaper for our strategy.

In 2020 a new record was set for how much money has been taken to save a human life year in terms of the cost of the medicine. The costs were much higher for the Corona virus than even the most expansive cancer medicine you can think of...

“Don’t talk to me about appealing to the public. I am done with the public, for the present anyway. The public reads the headlines and that is all. The story itself is fair and shows the facts. That would be all right if the public read the facts. But it does not. It reads the headline and listens to the demagogues and that’s the stuff public opinion is made of.” ~ J. P. Morgan Sr.

Either those costs for the Corona virus will come down or the costs for other medicines can go up as societies seem to have valued a human quality of life year much higher than historically been the case. At a minimum this new found pricing power should mean medicine costs and healthcare costs will not go down. So for the Crayon portfolio the choice goes to UnitedHealth Group Inc. (UNH) for this stock pick round.

Don’t ask why. Just know this is the company that has been bought by Holland Park Capital London Ltd. Talk is cheap. Holland Park Capital London Ltd is putting its money where its mouth is. The skin in the game as per Mr. Taleb has bet on UNH.


The Monkey portfolio got itself a new newspaper on the 5th of December 2020 and the marker was dropped on the quotation page of the US stock listings in the FT newspaper. The monkey choice went to Philip Morris International Inc (PM).

Time in the market, stock selection and diversification are more important than timing the market. Both portfolios are not diversified yet, but with now four holdings each are slowly getting somewhere. Let’s have a quick look at the performance. Clearly performance is not statistically meaningfully after only a 1.5 year investment period. After about 5 years that should have changed.....

The Crayon portfolio is trucking on nicely. Performance versus the S&P 500 is good and all three stocks (MSCI, ASML and Ashtead) are contributing nicely. The Crayon portfolio is heavier invested in $ earners in America than the Monkey portfolio. The Crayon portfolio is also a higher growth and a lower dividend portfolio than the Monkey portfolio. That is probably part of the reason the Crayon portfolio is performing better.

The Monkey portfolio is still unhappy. Deutsche Telekom is in the plus, but Cisco and Lloyds are still in the red. Performance versus the S&P 500 is bad for the Monkey portfolio. Hopefully with four positions the Monkey portfolio can start to dig itself out of the hole.

Let’s see if the new stock picks for the paper portfolios can make a positive difference the next time we follow the plan as described in the book “Beat the stock market casino”. Both paper portfolios follow the “no capital gain taxes growth investment plan” out of the above book.

As the Monkey portfolio is still under water about $7500 will be invested in the new stock picks for both the Monkey and Crayon paper portfolios this round.

For the Monkey portfolio 92 shares of PM have been added at the close on Friday the 4th of December. The close was $80.75. The 92 shares of PM have been added at $81 to be fair with transaction costs.


For the Crayon portfolio 21 shares of UNH have been added at the close on Friday the 4th of December. The close was $349.89. The 21 shares of UNH have been added at $351 to be fair with transaction costs.


Good luck to both portfolios. The more positions are added over time the closer the performance over time can be expected to get closer to the S&P 500 performance. Stay classy dear reader. Thanks for reading this blog.


This blog of Holland Park Capital London Ltd is published in order to promote the book Beat the Stock Market Casino. Clearly no recommendation is made here on what you should do. This blog is for information purposes only. The value of shares and the income from them can go down and you may get back less than the amount invested. If you want to make an investment decision, please seek contact with an authorized financial advisor first and see if the investment fits in your personal situation. Holland Park Capital London Ltd is long all the names in the Crayon portfolio. Holland Park Capital London Ltd expressed its own opinions in this blog. Holland Park Capital London Ltd is not receiving compensation for this blog. Holland Park Capital London Ltd has no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.






Monday, 25 May 2020

Third pin stuck in the newspaper

The purpose of this blog is to show how easy it is to start your own stock portfolio based on a proper investment plan. 
An investment plan was picked from the little book “Beat the stock market casino”. 
The investment plan was called; "No Capital Gain Taxes growth investment plan". 
Once every six months a new holding is added to the monkey paper portfolio and a new holding is added to the crayon paper portfolio. Approximately the same dollar amount is invested in both portfolios to keep them more easily comparable. The $ amount invested each round is dependent on positive or negative performance on portfolio level for the monkey portfolio.

As announced in the previous blog it was time to put another pin in the newspaper in order to select another holding for the monkey portfolio. A blue colour pen was used instead of a pin and here is where the pen landed on The Telegraph newspaper…

The blue colour pen landed on the stock Deutsche Telecom.
According to the rules of the investment plan a holding with the main listing outside of US and UK was needed in order to diversify globally and Deutsche Telecom ticked that box. Hopefully this third holding will perform better than the disastrous performing second holding Lloyds Banking Group Plc.

At least the wisdom of not investing with a lump sum method has become clear. If the monkey portfolio had invested $125,000 in one shot this time last year, the damage by now could have been permanent for a long time. Since only $12,500 is so far theoretically invested in the monkey paper portfolio, the monkey portfolio still has plenty of fire power left... In the current market that looks like a good thing....

The monkey portfolio is still under water/down (by a mile). That means a new position value of about $7500 or 6% of the intended start portfolio according to the “no capital gain taxes growth investment plan” in the book “Beat the stock market casino”. 

Have you bought the book yet on Amazon? 

The portfolios are diversified over time as well as over multiple holdings.

So the crayon portfolio follows where the monkey portfolio leads, to keep things comparable. The crayon portfolio needed a third holding with the main listing in the Euro zone therefore as well.  This third holding for the crayon portfolio had a target of about $7500 position value just like the monkey portfolio. The Stockrover website knew both stocks (Deutsche Telekom and ASML) so that meant tracking the performance would not be an issue.

ASML's ADR (ASML code) had a close on Friday the 22nd of May 2020 of $ 319.36 according to the stockrover website. Deutsche Telekom ADR (DTEGY code) had a close on Friday the 22nd of May 2020 of $ 14.89 according to the stockrover website. Take $7,500 and divide it by the share price and round down to get the full number of shares that could be bought per position.  So the paper crayon portfolio added 23 shares of ASML at $319.36 on the close yesterday for a value of $7346. The paper monkey portfolio added 503 shares of DTEGY at $14.89 at the close yesterday for a value of $7490.

May the force be with ASML and Deutsche Telekom! Stay classy dear reader. Thanks for reading this blog. 

This blog is not a tip sheer or advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any investment. 
The purpose of this blog is to sell the book “Beat the stock market casino” and expand on the book. This blog is for information and marketing purposes only. 
The blog does not in any way constitute investment advice. 
Investors should form their own view and do their own research and ideally talk about their view with an independent licensed financial adviser before doing anything. Holland Park Capital London has a long position in ASML. Holland Park Capital London wrote this article and is receiving no compensation for it and has no business relationship with any company mentioned in this blog. The value of your stock investments including income may go down as well as up. You may not get back all the money that you invest. 
The stocks referred to in this blog may not be suitable for all investors.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

The Tortoise and the Hare

“The Tortoise and the Hare” is one of Aesop’s fables. It tells the story of a race between unequal partners. After about one year now of running the experiment, it looks like the Monkey Portfolio wants to play the role of the tortoise. It is early days yet, but so far the performance of the Monkey Portfolio is shockingly bad. Have a look at below chart courtesy of the Stockrover website;

It is clear the first two darts on the newspaper portfolio picks of the Monkey Portfolio have nothing going for themselves at the moment. European banks like Lloyds Banking Group continue to do what they do best; go south. On top of that suspending/cancelling the dividend took the one reason some investors had, to hold onto their Lloyds shares, away. Here are the details;

Both Cisco Systems and Lloyds Banking Group are solidly in the red versus a flattish S&P 500 index since the inception of the Monkey Portfolio. The Monkey Portfolio will need better dart throwing skills going forward that much is clear.

If the Monkey Portfolio is the tortoise, then the Cray On Portfolio is keen to take the role of the hare in this story. It is better to be lucky than smart. A time horizon of only one year clearly says absolutely nothing about skill. It is all luck for now. A time horizon for this experiment of between three to ten years will change the equation as the years go by from luck to skill. Here is how the hare has been racing out of the block in the first year. All charts in this blog are courtesy of the Stockrover website. The S&P 500 briefly caught up with the Cray On Portfolio in March 2020, but the Cray On Portfolio is now outperforming the S&P 500 index nicely again.

Corona or no Corona virus, it is clear the MSCI stock is the winning stock pick for the Cray On Portfolio so far. Ashtead Group is in the red since inception, but at least is keeping the damage under control as investors seem to agree for now the company will not go bust this year unlike some other companies. 
 Later this month it will be time for two new stock picks for both portfolios. To be continued….

Wednesday, 22 April 2020



Well what a difference a couple of weeks make. In January 2020 investors were scrambling to buy more stocks especially in the US tech sector. In March 2020, when it became clear the Corona virus had spread to the developed world, investors could not dump their stocks fast enough. Stop losses, margin calls, redemption's and all out panic led stock markets to some of the biggest down days since the crash in 1987. 

I hope you and your friends and family are healthy and safe throughout this strange period. 

Western governments have for the most part been caught out by the fast spread of this deadly virus among their populations. The popular response at the end of the day for most governments was to place their societies under lockdown. 

When businesses are no longer allowed to serve their customers, governments cut the “invisible hand of Adam Smith” off their bodies. We are back at centrally planned economies now where governments insist they know what is best for their populations. Essentially economically that means we are trying out Soviet communist style economics again. Economically those communist policies have never worked and never will work. If people cannot work, they will not make any money. No money or income for people at the end of the line means food shortages and hunger. Obviously the Corona virus kills people, but the longer the lockdowns go on for and the smaller the safety net of governments the more people lockdowns will kill as well. We are witnessing the biggest economic experiment since WW2 in western societies.

This blog’s purpose is to dive deeper into the necessity of the lockdown, because the lockdown sucks the oxygen out of the economy and the lockdown has the most severe consequences for the stock markets around the world. 

The data we are being shown in the media is of appalling quality. Every country measures infection rates and death rates caused by the Corona virus in a different way. So it is very hard to compare countries with each other that way since what data gets included varies.

Sweden got crucified in the media for refusing to lockdown their society. The Corona virus death rate in Sweden, looks higher than in neighbouring countries like Finland, Norway and Denmark. As previously stated we cannot that easily compare Corona virus deaths between countries since measurements vary wildly. 

Should the UK be pounding itself on the chest, that at least the Corona virus response hasn’t been as bad as in Sweden? Let’s have a look.

Holland Park Capital London looked at the 2019 total death rate in Sweden, the Netherlands and the UK. For the UK only the England and Wales data from the website was easily found. The England and Wales data was therefore used as a proxy for the whole of the UK. In the Netherlands the data can be found on the website and the Swedish data can be found on the website. 

For all three countries the weekly death rate compared to the average normal for this time of the year weekly death rate only really starts jumping up, because of the Corona virus, in week 13, week 14 and week 15. Week 13 should include the 27th of March 2020. Week 14 should include the 3rd of April 2020 and week 15 should include the 10th of April 2020. Clearly only three weeks is still a limited data set. That is one of the biggest problems that we know so little about this Corona virus and the data we have is of such bad quality. Governments hide behind scientific advice, but it is hard for scientist to model the unknown. How deathly is the Corona virus? How contagious is the Corona virus? How do temperature and humidity in a country affect the Corona virus? Can an infected person without any symptoms still spread the Corona virus? Can an infected child of 5 years old spread the Corona virus?
 If only we knew...

Anyway in those three weeks in Sweden sadly 6614 passed away. On average in 2019 in Sweden 1712 people passed away per week. That average times three makes 5135 people. The difference was 1479 more people that passed away in Sweden in the mentioned 3 weeks compared to the 2019 average. That difference is not all due to the Corona virus as it is normal that more people pass away in winter than summer. 

Here is a table to compare the numbers for the three countries;

England and Wales
Deaths in the 3 weeks in 2020
Average deaths in 3 weeks in 2019

% difference

So there is no evidence in the above table that a lockdown works. Sweden so far despite having no lockdown is doing much better than England and Wales and the Netherlands on above metric. Social distancing and doing a lot of virus tests seem to work, but the above lockdown data suggest so far a lockdown does not make a difference for the Corona virus. 

It is still early days of course. Every week that goes by we will get more and better data as people are focusing on the Corona virus so much now. Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands have different climates and the people have a different culture. There is also some evidence that the Corona virus first started to spread in the Netherlands, then in the UK and only now in Sweden. The first wave of the Corona virus in the Netherlands may have “peaked”, the virus in the UK may be “peaking” now and the virus may only "peak" end of May in Sweden. That would change the % difference numbers in the weeks to come if true in favour of the lockdown argument.

So far though; the conclusion for the stock market is that the lockdowns may not have been necessary. If true that would be great news for the stock markets. Time will tell. Stay classy and safe out there. Good luck!