As announced in the previous blog it was time to put
another pin in the newspaper in order to select another holding for the monkey
portfolio. We used a blue colour pen instead of a pin and here is where the pen
landed in the FT (Financial Times) newspaper…
We needed a holding with the main listing outside of
US in order to diversify globally and Lloyds Bank ticked that box. In the first
holding in the monkey portfolio we added a position value of about $5000 or
about 4% of the intended start portfolio. Since the first holding Cisco is
under water/down we are allowed to select a position value of about $7500 or 6%
of the intended start portfolio according to the “no capital gain taxes growth
investment plan” in the book “beat the stock market casino”. Have you bought
the book yet on Amazon? So we do not market time, but portfolio time if that
makes sense. It is a good thing we do not market time. The S&P 500 is at a
record high as the FED is basically conducting QE4 (quantitative easing round
4). The FED got scared after the overnight repo rate spiked to as high as 10%
in September 2019. The FED has also lowered interest rates in 2019. With their
actions in 2019 the FED basically admitted that Mr. Trump was right on this one
and that the FED had killed the global economy by hiking rates faster than the
US economy could handle in 2017 and in 2018. Anyway we do not market time, so
we do not need to worry about any of that nonsense.
So since the cray on
portfolio follows where the monkey portfolio leads, we added a holding with the
main listing in the UK for the cray on portfolio as well. This second holding for the cray on portfolio had a target of about $7500 position value.
The first choice to add to the cray on portfolio was Greggs (the UK’s favourite “restaurant”). Sadly the Stockrover
website does not know the stock Greggs and we needed a stock that could be tracked
on a portfolio tracking website and the best portfolio tracking websites are (still) in
the US. So the cray on portfolio added the stock Ashtead Group instead. To keep the
tracking easy in $ we added the US ADR line of both Lloyds (LYG) and Ashtead
(ASHTY). In round 1 we could not invest the entire $5000 into the stock MSCI, because it was trading at a high price and we rounded down the full number of
shares we could buy and put the balance of the $5000 into cash. Cash skewed the
results in the stockrover website a little so we will forget about cash from
now on and just round down the full number of shares we can buy per position. In round two in the cray on portfolio we
emptied cash and added it to the $7500 so we could buy 60 shares of Ashtead. So
the paper cray on portfolio added 60 shares of ASHTY at $126.20 yesterday for a
value of $7572. The paper monkey portfolio added 2403 shares of LYG at $3.12
yesterday for a value of $7497. May the force be with Lloyds and Ashtead! Stay classy
dear reader. Thanks for reading this blog.
This blog is not a tip sheer or advice or a
recommendation to buy, sell or hold any investment. The purpose of this blog is
to sell the book “Beat the stock market casino” and expand on the book and is a
marketing communication. Investors should form their own view and ideally talk
about their view with an independent financial adviser before doing anything.
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